Saturday, August 30, 2008

what it is to be worn

As lovers of good design and high fashion, we spend hours pouring over magazines and in dressing rooms looking at the fit and cut of an exquisite garment. So often we find these things out of reach due to money, availability, size or functionality.

$4,000 is not in my monthly clothing allowance. neither is $400. $40 is getting closer.
where would i wear this?
will it fit over my hips?
how do you walk in these?

Out of desire and longing, we have been known to create the opportunities to wear these exorbitant items. Throw a cocktail party, where formal dress is required and then you have the perfect reason to acquire the gown. Function follows fashion. The dress gives you the reason. The dress is wearing you.

Moving a step further now - let us examine what it is to be worn.
I propose to create three garments that wear the wearer - they will have lives of their own - filling the space with their grandness - setting the tone with their own voices.

I by land, II by sea, and III, by sky.

1 comment:

Alt Ethos Blog said...

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