Thursday, August 21, 2008

Kezia W. Vernon

So we went out for a drink. Kez and I found a spot at Plonk on the couch and began to tell our stories. It turns out that she has been through a lot this year. She was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer and has been undergoing a series of radiation treatments. The quite visible scar on her neck tells tells a story. We are around the same age, so young to deal with the prospect of cancer. Looking into her eyes as she told me, I could see her strength and feel her sorrow.
Strange to sit there and listen to her story, strange to feel so connected to a stranger. I told her about my very first cancer scare, which also occurred this year. I got mal results from a pap - the presence of irregular cells. After two colposcopies and continued cell growth - I had electrical excision of my cervix. I have no peers that I can bond over this with, until I met Kez.

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